
Showing posts from March, 2023


 Today in class we had an assignment on college debt. We started the assignment off with discussion questions about whether or not we would go to college. The assignment asked us also. We had to state the in and out of state tuition for our preferred college. The rest of the assignment included 5 facts from two passages we read about student debt. One of the passages gave examples of students burdened with student debt. While the other just informed us of how much it effected students. 


 Today Mr Rease was absent. Our assistant teacher was our instructor. We had a text book assignment to do. There was vocabulary words and exercises using the vocabulary words. Our instruction were to complete the exercises and turn them in. We also had to copy the vocabulary words for our own notes.


 Today in class we had an assignment based on an opinion on driverless cars. There were two passages. One agreeing with driverless cars and one disagreeing. We had to write each writers claim along with vocabulary words. There was also written responses. As we read the passage there was discussion questions our teacher asked. Toward the end of class we also had to turn in our assignments from yesterday. 


 Today in class we had two assignments and a poem. Our bell ringer was a discussion question asking if we ever did anything absurd. Absurd meaning unreasonable. Everyone had different answers. Later on in class we read a poem based on absurd risk. We also had questions about the poem. Most of the questions related to what my personal definition of absurd is. 


 Today in class we continued to read the book Fences. We ended up finishing the book. It was a good book, but I feel like I would prefer  the play. My teacher told us Denzel Washington would play the main character. We were supposed to do an assignment on the book but we weren’t able to get to it. so we will finish Monday. 


 Today in class we continued to read the book Fences. The more we read the more the book got interesting. later on in class we had an assignment on what it would be like if we were 14 years old and homeless. We had to write a paragraph on what we would do if we were in that situation which was one of the main characters. I wasn’t too literal because I would handle it differently, but for the sake of the assignment I was more realistic. 


 Today in class we read the second scene of the book Fences. later on in the class period we did an assignment. The assignment was based on claims as textual evidence. There was 3 claims for each character. We had to site textual evidence for each claim. 
 no school 


 Today in class we analyzed a poem by Robert frost. Analyzing poems help us better understand the poems