
Showing posts from April, 2023


 Today in class we did vocabulary. Our main teacher was absent. So instead of a regular assignment we did vocabulary. I continued to work on my project. I don’t have much time since I missed many days. I will try to turn it in tomorrow.


 Today in class we continued our projects. I had been able the past couple days so I have some extra time. I sprained my ankle. The project was on a college career. Our instructions were to give information on a career. 






 Today was the second day of our Eoc testing. We had two sections to complete today. In total there was 51 questions, but today we completed questions 6-51. In the first section there was a question that asked us to write a narrative. The narrative had to be an original story on a favorite place. The second section only had multiple choice. However there was questions that had 2 parts. 


 Today was the first day of our End of Course test. There was only 5 questions for the first session. We were given two passages with 3 multiple choice questions and two constructed response. One of the constructed response asked which of the passages most effectively supported their claim. While the other was an argumentative essay.We will continue testing tomorrow with sections 2 and 3.


 Today in class we did more reviewing for our exam. We had to read a passage as a class. The passage was about woman’s rights in they eyes of Susan B. Anthony. There was 4 questions we had to answer from the passage. Then later on we had to write a narrative. The narrative had to be based of someone who experienced a speech by Susan B. Anthony.


 Today in class we went over what would be on our exam on Wednesday and Thursday. Our teacher gave a us a power point presentation for it. We went out what kind of questions and what to remember for the exam. Later on in class we did an assignment to help us practice. The assignment was a passage to read and constructed response questions, just like the exam would have. The questions asked us to summarize and give the main idea of the passage. 


 Today in class we finished our essay. We used the same strategies to practice. This practice will help us on our end of course test coming next Wednesday. We continued on the subject of keeping or not keeping artifacts in museums. We now focused on the body of the essay. Further on we continued on the same strategies, starting with our claim and using details to back up our claim. 


 Today in class we learned the proper way to write an essay. We mostly focused of the introduction part of the of an essay. We learned that introducing your claim would be the most important part to writing an argumentative essay. This is for practice for our end of course exam next week. We were told that we would either have an informative essay or an argumentative essay on our exam. So we practiced writing a argumentative essay today.


 Today in class we continued reviewing for our E.O.C exam. We read two passages. One passage was about museums stealing artifacts for money.While the other was about museums keeping artifacts safe. We had to write multiple claims from each passage, and define vocabulary words from each passage. We also had to summarize the each author’s opinion on museums. These strategies would soon be helpful on our End of course exam.


 Today in class we reviewed for our eoc test. We went over strategies to help us on the exam.Our teacher reviewed a strategy called Process of Illumination. Our teacher believes it would be very helpful on the exam. We used two different websites to help us. Both websites we reviewed questions. The questions did relate to the exam but they would still be helpful. 


 Today in class our teacher was absent. He mentioned that during the break that he would have a surgery, and I hope all is well. During the first half of our class period we were told we had vocabulary words to copy until further notice. Our assistant teacher informed us we had a different assignment to finish and that it was due the next day. The assignment was a passage to read and questions to answer.