
Showing posts from May, 2023

Something I plan to do

 Ever since I was young I have wanted to pursue a career in music. I plan to go to college and study music theory more. Music is my greatest passion. I would love to produce music whether its in movies or for a famous singer. 

A thank you letter

 Dear Mother,      I would like to thank you for everything you have done for me. You have always provided for me whether its physically or mentally. You have given me advice every time its needed. On every day you find a way to show me love and I greatly appreciate it with my whole heart. 

Something I am certain of.

 I've been told on multiple occasions that I am very good at expressing myself. Being told this has made me certain that I am. I've always made sure that I express how I feel about something especially when there is a conflict. This helps me get many points across and also inform people of my feelings. 

Something I used to know how to do

  When I was younger I was very good at double dutch. Every day after school Me and two of my Aunts would get two jump ropes and play double dutch outside. They would control the ropes while I jumped in the middle. We would be outside for hours, sometimes until it was dark outside. There was one time when we didn't have jump ropes so we used two long extension cords. Surprisingly they didn't fail. Recently I attempted to do it again and i wasn't as good. 

Something I have to much of

  At times I can admit that I’m easily overwhelmed. I feel that there’s too much for me to get done at once. Whether it's school work or work at home. At school there's always an assignment to get done, and at home there's always chores. To add on to school and home I play a sport, so when I finally get home I’m usually exhausted. Sometimes it's too much to handle, but I always make sure i get it done. 


 Today in class we just watched a movie. It was a relax day since the school year is ending. I believe this is our last blog of the year. I did my remediation essay but I’m not sure if it was put in the grade book, but  I could be wrong. I can say I’ve enjoyed this semester and that I’ll miss it.


 Today in class we continued to do make up work. Those who didn’t have any just relaxed and watched a movie. Our teacher put grades in for our final exams. So today we just made sure our grades were ok. 


 Today in class we continues to do make up work. But we continued to watch the movie. But we were separated from ones who had missing work and ones who didn’t. We also did a final exam for the first half of the class period.


 Today in class we continued to do make up work. After lunch we went to our separated class. We watched a movie in there. It was minions 


 Today in class we did make up work. We had an essay to turn in. The essay was replacing a low grade. So it was basically a remediation assignment. 


 Today in class we did makeup work. We also were given a remediation assignment. The assignment was an essay based on our improvement this year. Basically a reflective essay 


  Today in class we did make up work. And if we didn’t have make up work we watched a movie. The movie was Pitch Perfect.


 Today in class we continued to watch the film. The film from yesterday. There was an assignment we had to do that came with the film. The assignment asked us questions about the children in film. Some of the questions on the assignment asked how we would feel if we were in the children’s position. 


 Today in class we watched a film. The film was about children and their journeys to school. Each child in the film was from a different country. None of them were from America. Each child had over a hour journey. One of the children got to school by a horse while the other went by foot 


 Today in class we presented our projects. Because we presented we didn’t have an assignment. The presentations took up most of the class period. My group went last. The groups before us had other countries and ideas. But they were still creative. I don’t know my groups exact grade but I do know we passed. 


 Today class was basically a make up day. We made up old assignments that we didn’t complete. And we also continued to work on our project. There was A.P testing today so everyone wasn’t in class today. 


 Today in class we had to write a paragraph on a country would like to visit. I chose Australia. Our instructor gave us about 10 minutes to complete that before we moved on. Later on in class we had another assignment. The instructions were to tell the laws of the country that u would like to visit. It didn’t matter we finished or not. And once we were done had to finish our projects. 


 Today in class we continued to due our project. We were given a country and we have to give facts on that country. There are 10 areas that we have to give facts on. This is a group assignment so we aren’t doing everything on our own. Each group has up to five people. The project is due next week and we must present it. 


 Today in class we watched a video and answered questions. The video was an audio of a book. We were given questions to go along with the video. We ended up answering the questions as a class. Later on in class we were given a project. The instructions of the project were to give information on an Asian country as a group. Each person will be given a different part of the project. The project is due at the end of the week. 


 Today in class we did research on colleges. Our teacher helps us find a college we would like to go to. During the class period looked over different colleges and information about them. Then we were given a writing assignment. There were 6 different instructions we could have done. The overall instructions were to write a 250 word paper on which ever writing instructions we chose.